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Weather Sealing
Weather Sealing
From sealing gaps around windows and doors to insulating your home, we offer smart sealing solutions to keep weather elements at bay, enhance your comfort, and lower your energy bills.

Chimney Seals
This felt-based, reusable draught excluder is your first line of defence against cold draughts, outside noise, and critters and debris falling down your chimney.
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Door Seals
The Door Seal Range is an excellent way to insulate your home and keep out draughts. The lower door seals are so flexible that they may be installed without taking the door off its hinges. The door frame seals are also easy to install and highly effective in sealing off noise, vibrations, and draughts.
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Exhaust Fan Seals
When your ceiling exhaust fans are turned off, the Exhaust Fan Seal prevents air from leaking into your home from the attic.